How To Use Your Why To Guide Your Next Steps

As your why becomes clearer, you might expect that the "what" will become clear too, and feel that you need a clear plan in place in order to make it happen.

But when we're working with big goals like these, we rarely know enough to put a realistic plan together. But that shouldn't stop you from getting started. 

Today I want to introduce you to an alternative approach to help you achieve your goals - by setting your intentions and focusing on identifying the next step you need to take.

This approach is a great way to make progress on the big things we want to achieve.

It keeps you open to new information and increases your chances of noticing alternative opportunities or approaches and stops you from spending wasted effort creating and revising a plan and forcing yourself to stay on track.

And to help you get going, the rest of the videos in this module identify the next step you might take to use your why to bring benefit in different areas of your life. 

Lesson Activity

Take a look at what's come out of your why so far and ask yourself two questions:

  • what’s the next step I could take to progress this
  • what don’t I yet know, that it would be useful to know to help me make progress?

Try to keep your answers limited to two to three key items.

Make sure you check back in regularly, notice your progress and the answers you've discovered, remind yourself of your why, update it if necessary and ask yourself the same two questions again.

One step at a time your why will appear in the world, adapting as new information and opportunities arise.

As a starting point, you may want to pick the most relevant topic(s)/video(s) for you right now from the remaining exercises in this module and see what additional suggestions there are for your next step. 

This workbook summarises the tasks in each lesson of this module, and provides the space to capture your insights as you go along.

7 Lessons

Using Your Why

Translate your why into practical actions you can take in your day-to-day life. Whether you want to increase your visibility, grow as a leader, be more productive or make a change in your career, your why will act as a beacon to guide you. 

Whatever you'd like to focus on right now, this module will help you identify your next steps.

You don't need to have completed all the other modules to get benefit from this module. 

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Lessons for this module 7
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