Authentic Tech Leaders Mentorship Programme

Develop the self-belief and connect with the resilience you need to speak up and be authentically visible, so you can make your difference in the world of tech. 

Leadership training and coaching amongst a supportive community of women in tech. 

Doors are currently closed for the programme and will reopen for a new cohort in Sept 2024.

Sign up to my mailing list to be the first to be informed when doors re-open and to access special offers around the programme. 


Do you have ideas you want to get into the tech world, if only “they” would listen?

Do you find you have to be someone you’re not in order to be heard?

Have you ever thought about how much of a toll this is taking on you?

It may start as something small, but over time, continuously having to prove yourself to be someone you are not, builds up and drains your energy. It makes you less creative and intuitive, effects your performance and your ability to shine.

When we show up in life with authenticity, we take on a different persona. The people we engage with see this and are drawn to us in new ways. 

When we’re proud of who we are, believe in ourselves, and feel like we can deal with anything life throws at us, we lead differently.

We are less controlling, more open, more innovative, and more creative.

Things just seem to flow, we are less attached to making things happen, and we have more impact.

This is what inspired me to set up my Authentic Tech Leaders Mentorship Programme

 The combination of training and coaching is designed to deepen your understanding of yourself, what’s important to you and to build the confidence and resilience you need to take your message out into the world.

You’ll learn alongside a community of other women in tech facing similar challenges, giving you a place where you can show up, be authentic, and fit in and help you connect with a new energy to take your authentic self into the world.

This mentorship programme is designed for women who are in, or ready to step into, a position of leadership in the tech world, and who want to do this in a way that is truly authentic to them. 

There are three main elements to the delivery of the programme

  • sharing of new ideas via training,
  • coaching and reflection to help you integrate these ideas into your life, 
  • access to a community of other women working in tech who bring new perspectives and additional support throughout your journey. 

You will get the most out of the programme by taking the ideas shared and experimenting with them in your everyday life. As you explore and apply these ideas, you will get moments of insight, and your understanding will deepen.

Joining the programme will give you access to the programme, providing you with the opportunity to fit your development alongside your work and life. 

Hi, I'm Emma, 

I’ve worked in tech for the last 20 years, mostly at the forefront of new tech development and supporting the adoption of innovative new ideas into the industry. 

Having seen how the tech world is evolving, and the huge potential it has to impact our lives, I think it’s more important than ever before that this tech is developed by people with a diverse set of perspectives. 

Technology has the potential to change our lives for the better, but to do so, it needs leaders who are coming from a place of authenticity and resilience to influence its development and how it is applied. It needs a diverse group of leaders who are true to themselves and able to represent and listen to different perspectives so that they make decisions that serve us all. 

But when you’re in the minority in an industry it can be hard to speak out and be heard. 

I know – I’ve been there. While the number of women in the tech industry is slowly growing, the diversity of perspectives is lagging behind. When you’re busy and overworked it’s hard to find the energy to speak out and stand up for what you believe in. It’s much easier to fit in. 

But it doesn’t have to be this way. 

Over the last few years, I’ve been introduced to an understanding of our psychology that has given me new insight around stress and overwhelm, as well as connecting me to a deeper resilience and self-belief. This has given me the strength to tune in to what’s important to me, speak out more, and make the leap into setting up a business. It’s also helped me see that I can do all this in a fun, playful and enjoyable way.

This is the motivation for this mentorship programme: 

  • It’s about helping the future leaders of the tech industry tune into what’s important and find the resilience to speak out, so that they can influence the development of tech to the benefit of us all. 
  • It’s about sharing with you the understanding that has helped me to find my voice, and take a leap into the unknown. 
  • It’s about helping you find your path, and to know that you are resilient enough to follow it too.
  • And it’s about having some fun, being playful and finding our balance along the way. 

Join me and a small community of other women working across the tech industries to explore the impact this can have on your approach to life. 

7 Modules

Getting Started

This is a really flexible programme! You can work through the modules in any order to suit you, but that can sometimes make it difficult to know where to start. 

Use this module to step back and think about where you are right now and your priorities for where you want to grow. Based on your answers I'll guide you to the core modules that you might want to start with, and I'll also use what emerges to tailor the workshops and discussions in the community.  

Getting To Know Yourself

How well connected are you with who you are, what you can do, and where you want to grow and develop? 

This module is designed to help you reflect on your career journey, and draw out your skills, capabilities values and beliefs, explore your identity and create a foundation on which to build your authentic leadership. 

Discover Your Mission

Knowing what you believe in and how you want to make a difference in the world gives you the foundation to lead authentically and consistently.  

This module contains a selection of exercises to help you to uncover what's really important to you, giving you the motivation to speak out, be visible, and take action. 

Enhance Your Productivity

There is always more to do than there is time to do it. Prioritisation of tasks, and where to invest your energy to have the most impact is an important leadership skill, but we often forget to look after our own needs. 

This module explores productivity from different perspectives with the aim of helping you to find more balance, enjoy life, and still achieve amazing things! 

Understanding State Of Mind

Discover a simple understanding of how your mind works, how it influences the way you feel and how you show up on a moment by moment basis.

This understanding will provide you with a stable foundation for your learning, and help you show up and lead more authentically.

See Your Innate Resilience

You are resilient. You are always ok in each and every moment. 

Discover how powerful these ideas around resilience really are, and explore them in relation to some typical challenges that we face as leaders. 

Modules for this product 7
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