Are you ready to put yourself out there and be more visible, but need a bit of a motivational push?
👉 Maybe you want to position yourself with key stakeholders to increase your chances of a pay rise or promotion?
👉 Or maybe you need to start building your network in preparation for a change in role?
👉 Or it could be that you'd like people to bring you more opportunities aligned to the things you love to do, instead of pigeonholing you and giving you the same thing over and over again?
Taking a strategic approach to the way that you speak out ensures that you focus your effort, get your message out there, become known for what you bring, and are much more likely to get the results you want... and often more!
This 5-day challenge is designed for women in tech who are ready to take a step up and be seen and want to be more strategic in their approach.
It's not one of those overwhelming, intense challenges where you feel like you're behind before you start.
There's one short task a day with a bonus task to go deeper if you want. If you can set aside just 15 minutes a day for 5 days you'll get loads out of it.
It's designed to fit alongside your work, providing you with a strong foundation and the energy and motivation to continue well beyond the challenge.
It's completely free, and there's no time limit either. Sign up and work your way through, one step at a time.
I agree to the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.
On signing up for the challenge you will also be added to my Be Visible, Be Authentic mailing list, where I share weekly emails with inspiration, ideas and new perspectives on authentic visibility, along with links to events and special offers.
I do respect your privacy. I don't share your details with third parties, I hate spam and you can unsubscribe at any time.